enjoy your fire

How We Are Different 

Most firewood delivery companies are not actually companies at all. They chop up some wood and make a listing on Facebook Marketplace.

The wood is poor quality, unseasoned (so it burns slowly or not at all) and if they deliver, they dump it on your driveway and let you do all the hard work of stalking it.

Primo Firewood is a customer service business first.

We offer our customers seasoned ready-to-burn firewood and we deliver, stack it and clean up our mess like we weren’t even there.

Ready to burn firewood

Our sizes

From bush cords to bags, we can deliver whatever size you need


Don’t have the space to store wood? No problem.

We offer firewood in large recyclable mesh bags – perfect for camping or small fire pits.

We also offer a monthly subscription service for those who want would on a regular basis without the hassle of storing it on their property. Ask us how you can save monthly with a monthly subscription.


This is our most popular delivery.

A face cord is approximately 4′ x 8′ x 4′ of seasoned split wood. We offer this is camp firewood (cheaper and better for outdoor fires) and Harwood (more expensive but cleaner and longer burn – better for fireplaces and wood stoves)


For those customers that heat their home with wood or require large amounts of wood on a regular basis the “Full Cord” or “Bush Cord” is what we recommend.

Essentially 3 face cords, a “Bush Cord” is 128 Cubic Feet of our seasoned wood.

Like all our other sizes, we offer Bush Cords in camp wood or hardwood.


No Dumping. No Stacking. No Mess.

We guarantee that you’ll be satisfied with your firewood, or we will make it right.

Lets talk

Get IN touch


(905) 783-2765

Serving Simcoe County


M-F: 8am – 8pm
Sat & Sun: Closed